Continuing Education (CE) Courses

Continuing Education for Professionals:

Information regarding dates for our summer workshops will be posted in our events calendar.  Workshops may include topics listed below. If you, your school or your organisation would like to take up any particular course not in our schedule, please send in a request via our contact from below.

Topic: Teaching using ABA in the Home and School Environment

Duration3 hours

Duration: Learners will learn to apply the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to teach and generalise skills such as communicaton & academic skills. Strategies to reduce challenging behavior at home and in the school environment will also be covered.

Topic: Teaching Verbal Behavior

Duration: 3 – 4 hours

Description: Basis for assessing and increasing communication skills across students with a variety of needs will be trained. Topics will include strategies for increasing communication skills using various methods such as echo training, discrete trial teaching etc.

Topic: ABA in the Classroom

Duration: 3 – 4 hours

Description: Learners will learn to apply the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to reduce challenging behavior in the classroom, and also apply teaching strategies to improve academic skills.

Topic: Learning Support Assistant Training

Duration: 3 – 4 hours

Description: Participants will learn how to effectively assist children with additional needs in the classroom setting in collaboration with the lead teachers and special education departments. They will learn the stages of shadowing, reducing prompt dependency and how to follow and implement an individualised education plan (IEP).

Topic: Designing and Implementing an Effective Individualised Education Plan (IEP) & Behaviour Plan (BIP)

Duration: 3 – 4 hours

Description: This training provides an overview of how to develop successful individualised education programs (IEPs) and Behavior plans to reduce challenging behavior. It includes information on how to identify appropriate targets and how to develop and implement data collection systems to monitor these effectively

Topic: Teaching Play & Leisure Skills to Children of Determination

Duration: 3 – 4 hours

Description: This training provides an overview of how to develop successful individualised education programs (IEPs) and Behavior plans to reduce challenging behavior. It includes information on how to identify appropriate targets and how to develop and implement data collection systems to monitor these effectively.

Topic: Supported inclusion Strategies for Teachers

Duration: 3 – 4 hours

Description: This training provides an overview of how to develop successful programs to include children with autism in general education settings. It includes information on how to identify appropriate inclusion activities, provide prompts to increase student independence, develop and implement data collection systems, and assign staff roles.

Topic: Behaviour Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior

Duration: 6 hours

Description: A comprehensive review of the steps involved in conducting functional assessments of problem behavior is provided. Includes a review of how to identify and define problem behavior, develop data collection systems, how to use functional assessment tools, and implement treatment methods.

Topic: VB-MAPP (Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program)

Duration: 6 hours

Description: This course provides an overview of the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP) which is a developmental assessment for children.

In this course, participants will learn how to conduct the VB-MAPP assessment, the tools required and explain the scoring systems.

Topic: Functional Programming for Adolescents with Autism

Duration: 2 hours

Description: The course will teach learners how to select teach targets for adolescents with autism in a school setting. Various assessments, including those focussing on functional and pre-vocational skills will be taught.

Topic: Social Skills Training for Individuals with Autism

Duration: 4 hours

Description: An overview of the components necessary to design and teach in a group instruction format. Includes a review of suggested pre-requisite skills and recommended teaching and recommended teaching procedures. Group-friendly data collection methods and reinforcement programs will also be discussed.

Topic: Toilet Training for Children of Determination

Duration: 2 hours

Description: This course will provide easy to use information and strategies for toilet training children. Exact procedures, data collection methods and strategies will be explained in detail to help parents, nannies and caregivers toilet train children.

Teaching Phonetics

Duration: 6 hours

Description:  Participants learn how to teach phonetics in a developmentally appropriate manner. Learners will be able to understand the organs of speech, consonants, vowels, initiation, weak and strong forms etc.

Topic: Identification and Management of Speech and Language Difficulties in the Classroom

Duration: 2 hours

Description:  This course will provide an overview of red flags that teachers need to watch out for in the classroom relating to speech and communication. The course will also provide strategies and tips to improve communIcation skills in the classroom.

Topic: Sensory Processing and Integration in the School

Duration: 2 hours

Description:  This course provides an overview of various sensory processing challenges that children may face in the classroom environment. The course will provide simple strategies and tips that teachers can incorporate to aid sensory integration in the classroom.

Topic: Eating and Feeding Challenges in Children

Duration: 2 hours

Description:  This course provides an overview of various feeding challenges that children may present with and the physiological, sensory and psychological reasons for the same. Participants will learn simple strategies to help with eating and feeding challenges in children.

Topic: Systematic Reading Program for Children of Determination

Duration: 2 hours

Description:  Learners will be able to develop a systematic reading program for their students combining various research-backed methods. The use of various methods – including sight word reading, functional reading, and phonetic reading are discussed and participants will be able to choose and implement the appropriate method for their children.

Topic: Teaching Writing Skills to Children

Duration: 2 hours

Description:  Participants will learn the pre-requisite skills needed for writing. Various steps involved in writing will be discussed, including pencil grip, pencil control, seating position etc. Learners will learn how to teach these steps in a sequential order to develop writing skills.

Topic: Improving Classroom Behavior through ABA

Duration: 2 hours

Description:  This course gives an overview of the potential causes and functions for problem behaviour in the classroom. It also includes tips and strategies, including environmental modifications to counter common problem behaviors that may be displayed in a classroom setting.

Topic: Teaching Communication using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Methods for Non-vocal Children

Duration: 3 hours

Description:  Participants will learn how to teach communication skills using Augmentative and Alternative Communication methods for children who are non-vocal. An overview of various options, such as Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and Proloquo2Go will also be discussed and examples of teaching verbal skills using these AAC methods will be presented.

Topic: Improving Conversation Skills for Children of Determination

Duration: 3 hours

Description: Participants will learn how to develop intraverbal or conversation skills in children. These include teaching important skills such as recalling and story telling which are important components of having a conversation.

Topic: Teaching Math Skills through the TouchMath Method

Duration: 2 hours

Description: An overview on how to teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using the TouchMath method to students who may have difficulty with traditional methods. Teaching strategies, data collection methods will be discussed.

Register Now!

Fill in the details in the below form and send to us. We will get back to you within 48 hours.


    Dear Meera madame, thank you for one amazing, informative and insightful training on Applied Behaviour Analysis. I picked up some great concepts and so many practical and useful tips that I’m looking forward to apply on my job that Im convinced will bring positive results both for me professionally and so many beautiful children and their parents. Thank you for helping us make the world a little better place!

    Grateful and indebted….

    - Dr. Roshika

    I would like to thank BE for the ABA training conducted. I strongly believe that if the intention is right then everything else falls into place. I appreciate the fact that you trained us with all your heart and soul, with so much warmth and passion & most importantly without withholding any information. Those are true signs of a great and a selfless mentor.

    I have learnt a lot and I hope with this knowledge and practical training I will be able to make a difference in my setting.

    Looking forward to the Practical training at your Center

    Immense gratitude and warm regards 🙏

    - Vasudha Malhan

    The best centre for special kids with the most dedicated professionals I have come across, the training I have received from Meera has helped me greatly in my career, to all who want to pursue serving PoDs – visit BE, get trained by Meera and I vouch you will never regret

    - margaret mary bhadra

    ABA Therapy training from Behaviour Enrichment has made a positive difference in my career. I really want to appreciate and thank to Meera Ramani who taught me a lot of skills that will help me throughout the rest of my professional career.

    - Samreen Shahzad
